Population of New York City is 8,550,405 over a land area of about 782 square km. If the world's 7,400,000,000 people lived in one area with the same population density, it would have an area of about 676,819 square km, slightly larger than the country of Myanmar. The world's total land area is 148,900,000 square km, so this megacity wou…
Population of New York City is 8,550,405 over a land area of about 782 square km. If the world's 7,400,000,000 people lived in one area with the same population density, it would have an area of about 676,819 square km, slightly larger than the country of Myanmar. The world's total land area is 148,900,000 square km, so this megacity would represent about 0.45% of the total land area. (Note that this total area includes Antarctica, which is largely uninhabited.)
Population of New York City is 8,550,405 over a land area of about 782 square km. If the world's 7,400,000,000 people lived in one area with the same population density, it would have an area of about 676,819 square km, slightly larger than the country of Myanmar. The world's total land area is 148,900,000 square km, so this megacity would represent about 0.45% of the total land area. (Note that this total area includes Antarctica, which is largely uninhabited.)