The true answer is of course to get the government out of almost everything it sticks its nose into today.
But absent some miracle, mandate that any actions taken by the government against any person or organization must include all communications between the two in the prior 5 years. "Mandate" is working some magic there, but at the very…
The true answer is of course to get the government out of almost everything it sticks its nose into today.
But absent some miracle, mandate that any actions taken by the government against any person or organization must include all communications between the two in the prior 5 years. "Mandate" is working some magic there, but at the very least, it would have to be included in all the evidence the jury sees, and if it's a bench trial, should also include forcing the judge to address all such communications with something more credible than a hand wave.
The true answer is of course to get the government out of almost everything it sticks its nose into today.
But absent some miracle, mandate that any actions taken by the government against any person or organization must include all communications between the two in the prior 5 years. "Mandate" is working some magic there, but at the very least, it would have to be included in all the evidence the jury sees, and if it's a bench trial, should also include forcing the judge to address all such communications with something more credible than a hand wave.
But that still would be easy to get around.