The "evidence" thing is really unclear there. Are we talking about "evidence" in legal sense, like enough proof to substantiate a conviction? No, there's no such thing, and likely never will be, because it doesn't appear by itself and any effort to unearth and collect it will be sabotaged and suppressed. Are we talking about "evidence" i…
The "evidence" thing is really unclear there. Are we talking about "evidence" in legal sense, like enough proof to substantiate a conviction? No, there's no such thing, and likely never will be, because it doesn't appear by itself and any effort to unearth and collect it will be sabotaged and suppressed. Are we talking about "evidence" in a more mundane, common language sense - facts that suggest it may be happening? We know he got money from foreign agents, we know he pressured Ukrainians to abandon investigating corruption related to his son. I do not think top Chinese or Ukrainian or Romanian business moguls are stupid - if they paid millions for something, they surely got something in return. We may not know now what exactly that "something" was, but I don't think that's necessary to be sure that what he was doing was both immoral and illegal.
Of course we could, if we try really really hard, to believe that he just pretended to be corrupt but unlike 100% of other corrupt people, he was different and he wasn't really corrupt, he just pretended. But on what grounds would we make such exception personally for him? I see absolutely none. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and takes bribes - then it's a corrupt duck.
On top of that, he is also a serial fabulist and is constantly lying about his past (and his family's past), even when there's no pressing need to do so. To me, this is not a sign of a decent man. And there are even darker themes there, into which I don't want to wade because frankly I have enough without them and they make me depressed when I think about them.
> For what makes me think he might be a decent human being
I am sorry but that story is less than convincing. Surely, I can believe he loves his son. Most people, no matter how corrupt and delinquent otherwise, love their progeny. It's practically a biological imperative, and while humans are certainly capable of violating it, most people don't. However, there are myriads of ways - especially for the person who has been rubbing elbows around US centers of power for decades until becoming arguably the most powerful man on the planet - for a father to help his son beyond making him carry bribes. A lot of sons and daughters of powerful people end up in the corridors of power, and one would be supremely naive to suppose their ancestry played no role. There are a million ways to love your son, and among them Bidens chose the way of becoming criminals together. I am sorry, but I do not see how that makes the father a decent man. I would say the opposite, he's likely responsible for what Hunter has become, and his moral corruption led to his son's degradation. Kids usually see their parents without the trappings of power and layers of makeup, and when the outside picture of honorable statesman vividly contradicts the actual picture the child observes, it can break him. Maybe that's what broke Hunter.
The "evidence" thing is really unclear there. Are we talking about "evidence" in legal sense, like enough proof to substantiate a conviction? No, there's no such thing, and likely never will be, because it doesn't appear by itself and any effort to unearth and collect it will be sabotaged and suppressed. Are we talking about "evidence" in a more mundane, common language sense - facts that suggest it may be happening? We know he got money from foreign agents, we know he pressured Ukrainians to abandon investigating corruption related to his son. I do not think top Chinese or Ukrainian or Romanian business moguls are stupid - if they paid millions for something, they surely got something in return. We may not know now what exactly that "something" was, but I don't think that's necessary to be sure that what he was doing was both immoral and illegal.
Of course we could, if we try really really hard, to believe that he just pretended to be corrupt but unlike 100% of other corrupt people, he was different and he wasn't really corrupt, he just pretended. But on what grounds would we make such exception personally for him? I see absolutely none. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and takes bribes - then it's a corrupt duck.
On top of that, he is also a serial fabulist and is constantly lying about his past (and his family's past), even when there's no pressing need to do so. To me, this is not a sign of a decent man. And there are even darker themes there, into which I don't want to wade because frankly I have enough without them and they make me depressed when I think about them.
> For what makes me think he might be a decent human being
I am sorry but that story is less than convincing. Surely, I can believe he loves his son. Most people, no matter how corrupt and delinquent otherwise, love their progeny. It's practically a biological imperative, and while humans are certainly capable of violating it, most people don't. However, there are myriads of ways - especially for the person who has been rubbing elbows around US centers of power for decades until becoming arguably the most powerful man on the planet - for a father to help his son beyond making him carry bribes. A lot of sons and daughters of powerful people end up in the corridors of power, and one would be supremely naive to suppose their ancestry played no role. There are a million ways to love your son, and among them Bidens chose the way of becoming criminals together. I am sorry, but I do not see how that makes the father a decent man. I would say the opposite, he's likely responsible for what Hunter has become, and his moral corruption led to his son's degradation. Kids usually see their parents without the trappings of power and layers of makeup, and when the outside picture of honorable statesman vividly contradicts the actual picture the child observes, it can break him. Maybe that's what broke Hunter.