In the strictest sense he was, of course, "persuaded" - nobody put a gun to his head or held him in a headlock while others typed the famous Xwitter announcement under his account. But this persuasion was of the sort of the "offer he can not refuse" - if he didn't let himself be persuaded, the consequences would be dire - his campaign wo…
In the strictest sense he was, of course, "persuaded" - nobody put a gun to his head or held him in a headlock while others typed the famous Xwitter announcement under his account. But this persuasion was of the sort of the "offer he can not refuse" - if he didn't let himself be persuaded, the consequences would be dire - his campaign would be completely ruined and he would likely be subject to 25 amendment removal. I do not see any indication that it was a result of some soul-searching process on Biden's side - rather, the other side has been steadily escalating the level of threats and pressure to the point where Biden could not bear it anymore. The press started making threatening noises and notice his cognitive state, the donors turned their backs, and in private, as I heard, very pointed threats (including the mention of the number of doom - 25) were surely heard. Can it be called "forced"? I think it can - before this massive pressure was applied, Biden had zero intent to get out, neither did his team. After, he was out. I think "forced" is an adequate description of that.
In the strictest sense he was, of course, "persuaded" - nobody put a gun to his head or held him in a headlock while others typed the famous Xwitter announcement under his account. But this persuasion was of the sort of the "offer he can not refuse" - if he didn't let himself be persuaded, the consequences would be dire - his campaign would be completely ruined and he would likely be subject to 25 amendment removal. I do not see any indication that it was a result of some soul-searching process on Biden's side - rather, the other side has been steadily escalating the level of threats and pressure to the point where Biden could not bear it anymore. The press started making threatening noises and notice his cognitive state, the donors turned their backs, and in private, as I heard, very pointed threats (including the mention of the number of doom - 25) were surely heard. Can it be called "forced"? I think it can - before this massive pressure was applied, Biden had zero intent to get out, neither did his team. After, he was out. I think "forced" is an adequate description of that.