"The fact that it was above its current level by more than five degrees for most of the past 250 million years and by more than ten degrees for substantial parts of the past hundred million is evidence against the more extreme versions of climate catastrophism."

I don't think this is right. It is not much of an argument unless you interpolate "and humanity lived through those 250m years just fine," and there's a problem with that.

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Why isn't this more acceptable socially?

Watching you write about global warming is a little bit like me writing about artificial intelligence and G-d.

(Would love if you would comment on https://ishayirashashem.substack.com/p/artificial-intelligence-vs-g-d?sd=pf)

Basically we are being perfectly rational, from our own perspective, but it isn't clicking with other people. Apparently people would rather stress about global warming than.... Than what?

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