I read this with interest. Justifications. Like your comments about Biden and corruption but not holding Trump to the same standard.
So, you got this guy who ran things for 4 years and when he was fired, didn't want to leave. He is best buds with several other competitors and took company secrets when he was forced out. But not before he …
I read this with interest. Justifications. Like your comments about Biden and corruption but not holding Trump to the same standard.
So, you got this guy who ran things for 4 years and when he was fired, didn't want to leave. He is best buds with several other competitors and took company secrets when he was forced out. But not before he encouraged a group of people to actually murder his second in command and the board that fired him. He made a lot of money on the side selling and renting to the business. He is currently awaiting trial for some of his crimes and he wants to come back and run the business again. Should we rehire him? He does promise that he will run things like a dictator from day one this time. That should make the "smaller government" group happy. For me, I think we came very close to not having an option to vote any more on January 6th.
I would also ask if you expect to see supporters of Harris to react the same way Trumps supporters did and storm the Halls of Congress.
I'm sorry, you want to put some people back into power that support, and I think, will implement "Project 2025".
What makes you think I regard Trump as a decent human being?
I would probably have a less negative view of Trump if I expected him to actually implement Project 2025, especially the parts that go against his preferences, but I don't.
> especially the parts that go against his preferences
That sounds like a good general measure of a person: whether they're willing to acknowledge that their personal preferences are not always the best path to achieve their goals. The alternative seems to be people who reflexively rationalize why their personal preferences are actually objectively correct, or who lie about their past.
Can I ask what you thought would happen on Jan 6th that would end democracy?
What actually happened is that some people entered a room, did no (serious) violence to anyone, then got bored a left. Politicians then re-entered the building and did what they were going to do.
I suppose in theory they might have done violence to someone even if they didn’t, though the political outcome would have been the same.
Many of the politicians that were attacked took the whole thing as not being serious enough to warrant impeachment.
By contrast, “the left” tried to lock me in my home over COVID. I went through roughly two years of impositions on my freedom that I felt went far beyond what I thought liberal democracy guaranteed me. I always wondered why we didn’t have more covid riots. Why weren’t politicians supporting lockdowns violently hung by mobs. I would have supported it, I always thought of Jan 6th as the pent up covid riot we never got.
The left wants to pack the Supreme Court so they can arrest people for tweets like in Europe. But yeah that guy with the shaman horns is the real threat.
He says he has, because it had things his opponents could attack, but that doesn't tell us much. And he didn't "drop" it — he never endorsed it.
My guess is that he won't follow its recommendations, partly because he is not an ideological conservative and its authors are, partly because he doesn't like for other people to tell him what to do.
I read this with interest. Justifications. Like your comments about Biden and corruption but not holding Trump to the same standard.
So, you got this guy who ran things for 4 years and when he was fired, didn't want to leave. He is best buds with several other competitors and took company secrets when he was forced out. But not before he encouraged a group of people to actually murder his second in command and the board that fired him. He made a lot of money on the side selling and renting to the business. He is currently awaiting trial for some of his crimes and he wants to come back and run the business again. Should we rehire him? He does promise that he will run things like a dictator from day one this time. That should make the "smaller government" group happy. For me, I think we came very close to not having an option to vote any more on January 6th.
I would also ask if you expect to see supporters of Harris to react the same way Trumps supporters did and storm the Halls of Congress.
I'm sorry, you want to put some people back into power that support, and I think, will implement "Project 2025".
What makes you think I regard Trump as a decent human being?
I would probably have a less negative view of Trump if I expected him to actually implement Project 2025, especially the parts that go against his preferences, but I don't.
> especially the parts that go against his preferences
That sounds like a good general measure of a person: whether they're willing to acknowledge that their personal preferences are not always the best path to achieve their goals. The alternative seems to be people who reflexively rationalize why their personal preferences are actually objectively correct, or who lie about their past.
Can I ask what you thought would happen on Jan 6th that would end democracy?
What actually happened is that some people entered a room, did no (serious) violence to anyone, then got bored a left. Politicians then re-entered the building and did what they were going to do.
I suppose in theory they might have done violence to someone even if they didn’t, though the political outcome would have been the same.
Many of the politicians that were attacked took the whole thing as not being serious enough to warrant impeachment.
By contrast, “the left” tried to lock me in my home over COVID. I went through roughly two years of impositions on my freedom that I felt went far beyond what I thought liberal democracy guaranteed me. I always wondered why we didn’t have more covid riots. Why weren’t politicians supporting lockdowns violently hung by mobs. I would have supported it, I always thought of Jan 6th as the pent up covid riot we never got.
The left wants to pack the Supreme Court so they can arrest people for tweets like in Europe. But yeah that guy with the shaman horns is the real threat.
He’s dropped Project 2025.
He says he has, because it had things his opponents could attack, but that doesn't tell us much. And he didn't "drop" it — he never endorsed it.
My guess is that he won't follow its recommendations, partly because he is not an ideological conservative and its authors are, partly because he doesn't like for other people to tell him what to do.
My guess is that he'll end up appointing people who'll follow at least parts of it.
Those being the parts he is in favor of. His speeches and web page are better evidence of what he will do, although still not very good evidence.