Was the consensus about dangers of rising population similar to today's consensus regarding climate change? I couldn't find how many scientists actually believed in Ehrlichs predictions back then.
Was the consensus about dangers of rising population similar to today's consensus regarding climate change? I couldn't find how many scientists actually believed in Ehrlichs predictions back then.
I think Ehrlich represented the extreme version of the consensus. I don't think most of the people involved thought it would be that bad that fast, but the general view was that population increase would cause serious problems, especially for third world countries.
Was the consensus about dangers of rising population similar to today's consensus regarding climate change? I couldn't find how many scientists actually believed in Ehrlichs predictions back then.
I think Ehrlich represented the extreme version of the consensus. I don't think most of the people involved thought it would be that bad that fast, but the general view was that population increase would cause serious problems, especially for third world countries.
Could you point to some writings on this topic from that time? Thank you in advance.
You might look at the Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_overpopulation. Starting with the subhead "Contemporary hypothesis" there is discussion of some of the writing.