As a Error Theorist I've often been disappointed by the lack of other moral anti-realists and such among the libertarian movement. Not only is it the case that the other libertarians I've met are strong realists with respects to ethics, but also Metaepistemology and other domains. I did also find the reference to Krafft-Ebing to be pretty funny.

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Does there now exist the same sort of libertarian intellectual movement that David describes from the ‘60s through the ‘80s? David himself is obviously still doing great work but is there the same sort of intellectual/political group developing libertarian ideas with the same degree of rigor that existed back then?

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I am loving digging into this. My position is that in order to be a human you must be a herm. You are a real thinker who gives yoyr opposition their arguments. My women come over to me by saying i am allman. But guess what, i would die from those adrenachromes. By themselv3s male hormones are reactive and I donot know what else

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you should read “In Praise of Decadence” by Riggenbach. the derision of hippies by so-called traditional libertarians is fundamentally wrong. the greatest impetus to becoming a libertarian in the 60’s was not theoretical arguments based on the myth of natural rights but rather the military draft which sent individuals to die in wars (as governments are wont to do).

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